Thursday 28 August 2014

Suprinsingly the 28th of August we have received an amazing phone call form our coach from Barcelona to tell us that
Dalton BRobots is First Runners-Up for MoonBots 2014!!!!!

Wednesday 27 August 2014

So far.... So Good!!!!

Sunday 10 August 2014

The 7th of August, our trip to MoonBots stops for a while.... until next challenge!! The experience it has been challenging but really, really amazing!!!! Highly recommended!!!
Dalton BRobots is facing another life challenge. Since mid August we moved to live to UK. So now it is time to discover new culture, new friends, new experiences, new food,.... So it is time to pack our suitcases.... full of LEGO!!!

Thursday 7 August 2014

This time everything was perfect and as soon as we started, we got relaxed and the presentation went smooth and enjoyable. We didn't realize that we spent nearly an hour explaining all we learned through MoonBots. It was amazing again!!! Martyn was very nice to us and we would love to meet him one day in person!!

After the presentation in Cosmocaixa... we only had 7 days to prepare the presentation through Skype with the judges. In that case, we were extremely nervous because we didn't want that the technology fail (internet connection).